beginContour 從等高線開始: 
A Critical, Anti-colonial, and Intersectional Pedagogy to Taiwanese Creative Technology Education

2022 Processing Fellowship

In collaboration with Taiwanese artist Yangching Lu, begin Contour is a teaching practicum. We invited many Taiwanese middle school teachers, art educators, experimental educators, designers, and creative coders to collectively reimagine creative technology through a more beginner-friendly and approachable technology education.

In a six-week process, we conducted lectures, discussions, workshops, and test runs to help them develop their own teaching tools and syllabus.

Processing Community Day Taiwan 2023

Co-organized with my Taiwanese collective SpOnAcT!, Processing Community Day Taiwan 2023 titled "Code As Acts" is an exploration of how creative programming can engage with society and intersect with various disciplines. The event also highlights past and ongoing efforts by both local and international communities in this field.

With a focus on three key themes—Coding × Art, Coding × Society, and Coding × Education—we are bringing together artists, creative engineers, designers, independent hackers, civic organizations, and educators to share knowledge, exchange experiences, and collectively envision more inclusive tools and communities.


An open sourced generative design library I helped develop during my time at Design Systems International. 


Sesame is a fully browser-based online platform that simplifies the process of creating, prototyping, and delivering generative motion designs. It gives designers the ability to edit, export and supercharge their brand identity systems themselves with Javascript magic.

Co-developed with Richard Lehmann, the tool aims to addresses many of the challenges of collaborating with clients and delivering production-ready creative coding sketches with traditional infrastructure.

The Web is Fluid, Generative and Live

This class site serves as a hub for the materials and resources I curated for the class at Parsons Communication Design.


Design and Technology: Cloud SalonParsons School of Design, New York, NY. “After MFADT”

AIGA The New School Parson School of Design, New York, NY. “Portfolio Review”


DEMO FestivalWSA, New Museum x NEW INC, June 5 — 7. “Duty Free”

Hands, Face, Body: Embodied Typography
Techniculture, Type Elective
NEW INC, New York, NY.

Creative Coding Festival
The Dalton School, New York, NY. 
“Dragon Bytes: Coding Chinese New Year with p5.js and AI”


Open Source Art Contributor’s ConferenceUniversity of Denver, Denver, CO.

Processing Community DayTaipei, Taiwan (Remote) “Hello Zine! 從小誌到開源藝術
 TeachingInsititue of Applied ArtNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (Inperson/Remote)
SpeakingType@CooperCooper Union, New York, NY. “Why I Love p5.js & Creative Coding”
SpeakingProcessing Community Catalog 
Launch Party NYC 

Hex House, Brooklyn, NY.

SpeakingWomen Tech Maker x Google Google Developer Group devfest 2023, Taiwan (Remote) “Taiwanese Queer Sound Map: From Design Inspiration to Social and Technological Praxis
Speaking p5.js Community SalonNew York University, New York, NY.


National Tsing Hua University
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. “Meta, Prototype, System: Design Cyborg”

SpeakingCreative Coding Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan. “Coding Diversity: Tool-making & Critical Education”.

 TeachingSchool of Visual Arts Summer Workshop
School of Visual Arts Summer Workshop, New York, NY. “CSS Magic! 🪄🐇🎩 Transition, Transform and Animation”

MOE Scholarship Program for 
Overseas Study in Arts and Design

 Teaching“Code, Decolonized” with POWRPLNTS
Pioneer Works, Red Hooks, Brooklyn.